
Why NineML?

NineML (or “9ML”) is a language for describing the dynamics and connectivity of neuronal network simulations; in particular for large-scale simulations of many point neurons (where the neuron model does not explicitly represent dendrites).

At present, networks of point-neurons are typically simulated by writing either a custom simulation program in a general-purpose programming language (such as Python, MATLAB) or by writing a model for a particular simulator (NEURON, NEST, Brian, etc.) As models of neuronal dynamics and connectivity become more and more complex, writing a simulation from scratch in Python or Matlab can become more and more complex, taking time to debug and producing hard to find bugs. Writing simulator-specific models can reduce some of this duplication, but this means the model will only run on a single simulator and is hence difficult to share.

Programmatic model description APIs such as PyNN provide simulator independence at the expense of (i) having to choose from a limited library of neuron models (note however that PyNN now works with neuron/synapse models defined in NineML, for certain simulators), (ii) being tied to a particular programming language. Having access to a full programming language is also a temptation to writing over-complex, difficult to maintain model descriptions when compared to a declarative language such as NineML.

NineML tries to mitigate some of these problems by providing an language for defining smaller components of a simulation in a declarative, language-independent way. Various tools are then available for generating code for various simulators from this description (see


NineML and NeuroML version 2 are both languages for mathematically-explicit descriptions of biological neuronal network models. NineML currently works only for point-neuron/single-compartment neuron models, while NeuroML also supports multi-compartment, morphologically-detailed models. The two languages evolved in parallel, although with considerable cross-influence in both directions. It is possible they will merge in future; tools are under development to allow conversion between the formats where possible. Which one you should choose depends largely on what you want to do, and what tools are available for working with the two languages.

Abstraction and User Layers

In NineML, the definition of a component is split into two parts;

Abstraction Layer
Components on this layer can be thought of as parameterised models. For example, we could specify a general integrate-and-fire neuron, with a firing threshold, V_Threshold and a reset voltage V_Reset. We are able to define the dynamics of the neuron in terms of these parameters.
User Layer
In order to simulate a network, we need to take the parameterised models from the Abstraction Layer, fill in the parameters, and specify the number of each type of component we wish to simulate and how they should be connected. For example, we might specify for our neurons that V_Threshold was -45 mV and V_Reset was -60 mV.

The flow for a simulation using NineML would look like:


An obvious question is “Why do this?!”

For a single, relatively simple simulation, it may not be worth the effort! But imagine we are modelling a (relatively simple) network of neurons, which contains five different types of neurons. The neurons synapse onto each other, and there are three different classes of synapses, with different models for their dynamics. If we were to implement this naively, we could potentially copy and paste the same code 15 times, for each simulator. By factoring out basic functionality, we make our workflow much more manageable.

The nineml Python library

NineML is defined by an object model (the specification can be found at, with standardized serializations to XML, JSON, YAML and HDF5. The Python nineml library provides tools for reading and writing NineML models to and from the supported serialization formats and an API for building/introspecting/manipulating/validating NineML models in Python (including a shorthand notation for building NineML models). The library is intended as a base for other Python tools working with NineML, for example tools for code generation.